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Success takes teamwork!

RenoAssistance was founded to help people. But no one can change the world alone. We all need strong partners to help us grow and to make a difference. We must all support the community through charitable donations. We need to give back. We are stronger together.

Our referral and recruiting partners

Strategic partners that help us develop our contractor network and continuously offer our clients more services.

APCHQ, association provinciale des constructeurs d’habitations du Québec inc.
Patrick Morin
ACQ, association de la construction du Québec
Dessins Drummond
Planiprêt, cabinet en courtage hypothécaire

Our mission

Offering residential and commercial property owners a network of Verified Contractors, experienced advisors and successful renovations.

Our associative partners

Select partners we are pleased to collaborate with, for the benefit of our mutual clients.

AMVQ, Association des médecins vétérinaires du Québec en pratique des petits animaux
Jeune Barreau de Montréal, Young Bar of Montreal
RQRA, Regroupement québécois des résidences pour aînés, partenaire 2023-2024
AQPP, association québécoise des pharmaciens propriétaires
Fédération des établissements d’enseignement privés
Genium 360
ÉA, ordre des évaluateurs agréés du Québec
CSQ, Centrale des syndicats du Québec
CIIQ, club d’investisseurs immobiliers du Québec

Our advertising and media partners

Partners that enjoy greater visibility thanks to our platforms.

Environnement, Lutte contre les changements climatiques, Faunes et Parcs, Québec
Habitat for Humanity, Canada

Giving back to the community

Habitat for Humanity is an international organization that envisions a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. They make access to property possible for families and help them gain independence and stability.

Because we also believe that the home is the focal point of happiness, we have partnered with them to give back.

RenoAssistance is committed to helping in various ways :

  • Encouraging our clients to add a donation to their renovation costs

  • Giving used materials left over from worksites to ReStore centres

  • Encouraging our employees to give concrete support to the organization’s mission

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