Holiday Schedule

Please note that all our departments will be closed on Dec 25-26 and Dec 31-January 1st. Opening hours will be modified on Dec 24th (9 a.m.-2 p.m), Dec 23-27 and 30, as well as Jan 2-3 (9 a.m.-5 p.m). The commercial department, however, will be closed from Dec 21st to Jan 5th


Specialized and verified contractors, just a few clicks away

Our online referral service quickly connects you with trusted contractors.

No fees. No obligation.

Service available in the greater Québec and Montréal areas.


Your small jobs are in good hands

With HomeExpress, you now get access to our vast network of verified contractors to get your small jobs done.

Everything happens online.

HomeExpress makes it easier for you to select a specialized contractor.

How does it work?

Fill out the form.

Our form will take you less than 5 minutes to fill out. Just tell us where you are located and what you want done.

Our system launches a search.

We send your request to all the contractors in your area who have the expertise to complete your job.

You’ll get up to 3 responses.

Depending on the type of project, we either assign a trusted contractor to you or you get up to 3 quotes from verified contractors to compare.

And you manage the project in the Client Space.

In your account, you’ll find your request history and the status of each request, your contractors’ contact information, your bills and your quotes to approve (if applicable).


Verification you can count on

All your renovation projects, even the minor ones, deserve to be done by quality contractors.

Legal record

We check the legal record of every contractor.


Contractors must prove that they hold valid and up-to-date liability insurance.


Our contractors can only work on the types of projects for which they have the required licences. We won’t send a carpenter to thaw your pipes.


With RenoAssistance, the contractor who starts your project is the same one who finishes it. We make sure every contractor’s business is in good financial standing.

Business relations

One of the best ways to determine a contractor’s reputation is to make sure that the online comments and opinions from their past customers report positive experiences.


With every survey we receive about their completed projects, we give our contractors feedback on what they did well and what they can improve.


No fees. No obligation.

Not only are the contractors’ rates comparable to those on the market, but we also don’t charge you any fees for using HomeExpress services. The only thing you will have to pay for is the contractor’s fees for completing the job.

Find your specialized and verified contractor now.

No fees. No obligation.