Our Advisor. Your Personal Assistant.
Our Advisors know the right questions to ask to help you plan your renovation project. They also know how to interpret every proposal so you can choose the right Verified Contractor for you at a fair price. Like a good friend, they are available to support you every step of the way – they want you to have a positive renovation experience!
Why you need a Renovation Advisor
Your Project. Our Journey.
Minimizing homeowners’ risks by referring them to qualified contractors
The most complete audit process in the industry. Each Verification Report includes the contractor’s Contractor Confidence Index score, reliability index score, strengths according to our clients’ reviews, liability insurance, licenses, and judicial records. We go over every contractor with a fine-tooth comb!
I’m here to help you
Our advisors will help you find the best contractor in your field.
Our people make the difference
While technology can be helpful, RenoAssistance believes in the human touch. Technology cannot listen when you have a concern. All of our customers work with real people who have the experience to ensure a successful renovation.